Preserving Venice In Paint- VIP

 Exhibit and Fundraiser. Join Venice Plein Air as a V.I.P. for our upcoming special exhibit. Every Artists that participates in one of our VPA MAPs (Meet And Paint) that began in November may be a part. All outdoor painters are invited to join in and be a part of:

Preserving Venice In Paint - VIP 

March 10 - April 4, 2022. Opening Reception March 15th, 2022

 Location of Exhibit: VABI -Venice Area Beautification Inc.257 Tamiami Trail N., Venice Florida 34285







 YOU may be a VIP- all outdoor painters invited: 

3 Monetary awards- donation voting at VABI (Venice Area Beautification Inc) 3/10-4/4/2022 on paintings entered that are a culmination from the year of painting with VPA MAP participants 

Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, with National-Local Artists.
Simply VPA MAP at Caspersen Beach, Historic Downtown or VABI’s Urban Forest an Oasis coming to life Annually recorded in
Plein Air by Artists- be a part of history in the making and a VIP !

No emails, sign ups or fees-Just outdoor painting camaraderie!

3 Awards: Best VPA MAP; Urban Forest, Caspersen’s Beach & Historic Downtown 


 The goal for the Exhibit at the VABI (Venice Area Beautification Inc) Office is to promote both all that VABI does, and those that volunteer at the Urban Forest do, AND paintings from all over the area of Venice created from our MAP's through out the season.   3 Monetary People's Choice Awards this year: 

1. Best of Venice Plein Air MAP Caspersen's

2. Best of Venice Plein Air MAP Venice Urban Forest

3. Best of Venice Plein Air MAP Historic Downtown Venice

Monetary Awards for each.  A 50/50 split with Venice Urban Forest and the Winning Artist's of all votes collected between March 10rd and April 4th. April 4th the winners will be announced!  Lets hope we get to either virtually or in-person view all the paintings culminating from our MAP's this season.  

Venice Urban Forest Vision by Bill Farnsworth
Venice Plein Air, Venice Urban Forest, Venice Area Beautification Inc. and the Community ALL working together to support our beautiful town!  Stay tuned for how you can come out and VOTE for your Favorites! 

Here are a few pictures from last years outings:



Last years People Choice Award Painting!


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